Nursery - Velvet has been working really hard at her Stepping Stones sessions, and particularly with her rhyming activities. Great work Velvet!
Reception - Skye for trying her very best in everything she does. She is always very proud of the achievements she makes.
Year 1 - The child chosen this week has been locking into their learning and trying their best at everything they do.
Year 2 - Elizabeth has been trying hard to remember how to organise her belongings by herself and is being responsible for her own things.
Year 4 - Fin has been writing some superbly creative sentences during sentence stacking work. He has been using some interesting language.
Year 5 - The child in this class has settled in really well and is an excellent asset to her new class.
Year 6 - Charlie H for showing a quiet determination and resolve in all he does. You always keep on going and don't give up at the first hurdle