Congratulations to the following children who have made us proud this week!
Reception - Owen has been chosen for trying haired in everything he does. He always puts his hand up to answer questions. Well done! Year 1 - This child has been chosen for their amazing work this week in their reading and writing, and for their creative, fun personality which is applied to all that they do. Well done! Year 2 - Henry has been chosen for his super effort with his reading. Well done! Year 3 - Amelie and another child have been chosen for their determination to complete their reading and timetables homework. Well done! Year 4 - Oliver has been chosen for making good choices in lessons and working really hard to learn a new routine in a new school. Well done! Year 5 - Sophie has been chosen for her calm and cheerful manner in class and for working hard to improve her work. Well done! Year 6 - Ed has been chosen for always being a positive role model to his peers, especially in hockey, where he demonstrates team work, respect and excellent sportsmanship. Well done!
Headteacher Awards
Every week, all members of staff are asked to nominate children who have been spotted being responsible, respectful and ready. The code of conduct certificates are always varied and demonstrate the range of places and ways that children demonstrate these values.
Be Responsible
Well done to the children who have been responsible this week.
Frankie (Y3) has been chosen for always following our playground rules and tidying up equipment at the end of lunchtime. Well done!
Be Respectful
Well done to the children who have been respectful this week.
Jacob (Y4) has been chosen for respecting the needs of another class member. Well done!
Be Ready
Well done to the children who have been ready this week.
Olivia (Y4) has been chosen for coming back to school with a great attitude to her learning and being really focussed in class. Well done!
Curiosity Corner
Take a look at what our children have been curious about this week in their learning!
Today, year 4 had a visit from Chris at Severn Trent water to talk about how our sewer systems work and how we can better protect ourselves, water systems and the environment.
We worked in teams to create a sewer soup and then work hard to clean it using a variety of different filters. We were ve...
The Reception class have been investigating freezing and melting over the last few days. We left out some containers with different amounts of water to see what would happen. We added glitter and plastic bugs to some of the pots. The pot containing the plastic bugs froze really well and had the thic...
Year 6 have been investigating properties of materials
In groups, they each had to explore whether different materials were magnetic, transparent, flexible and permeable. They recorded their findings, and we discussed these as a class.