Reception - Lorna has been chosen for being able to double numbers very quickly. She had remembered her number facts really well. Well done!
Year 1 - A child in Year 1 has been chosen for being such a happy, fun member of the class, and for making excellent progress in their writing this term. Well done!
Year 2 - Toby has been chosen for his fantastic work in maths this week. Well done!
Year 3 - Bailey has been chosen for his positive attitude towards his learning. He is a great member of the class. Well done!
Year 4 - Poppy has been chosen for always, without fail, trying her best and being a constant ray of sunshine in the classroom. Well done!
Year 5 - Carter has been chosen for making a fantastic effort in his instruction writing and for listening carefully to advice on how to improve his work. Well done!
Year 6 - Muhammet has been chosen for his attitude towards learning. He is always keen to have a go, try his best and learn from his mistakes. His determination is inspiring. Well done!