Reception - Cali has been chosen for her hard work throughout Reception Class's Pirate Day. She even made her very own treasure chest at home. Well done!
Year 1 - Milo has been chosen for always trying his best 100% of the time. He should be very proud of his efforts this year. Well done!
Year 2 - A child has been chosen for making super progress in their reading this term. Well done!
Year 3 - George has been chosen for having an amazing attitude to his learning. He works hard and thinks deeply about his learning. Well done!
Year 4 - Jacob has been chosen for his beautiful manners and mature approach to all of his learning this half term. Well done!
Harlow has been chosen for her beautiful and creative storywriting this half term. Well done!
Joshua has been chosen for his hard work and super listening in history lessons. Well done!
Emmett has been chosen for making a fantastic effort in his maths fluency and problem solving. Well done!
Thomas has been chosen for making an excellent effort and presentation in all of his work. Well done!
Year 5 - A child has been chosen for writing a fantastic Nonet poem with lovely illustrations. Well done!
Year 6 - Mason and Lucy have been chosen for his hard work and dedication to his poem for the Year 6 Leaver's Assembly. A truly lovely piece of work. Well done!