Congratulations to the following children who have made us proud this week!
Reception - This week Milo has been chosen for coming into school with a smile on his face! Well done. Year 1 - Jenson has been chosen for settling into Year 1 brilliantly and for always trying his best. Year 2 - Evelyn has been chosen for being an 'extra specially good' friend to one of the new Reception children at playtime. Year 3 - Elizabeth has been chosen this week for settling beautifully into our class. Year 4 - This week Sharlise has been chosen for making a fantastic start to Year 4 and showing enthusiasm and maturity in every lesson. Year 5 - Muhammet has been chosen for making a great start to Year 5 by achieving all of his times tables stickers! Year 6 - Dexter has been chosen for the high standard of his work this week and his level of maturity.
Headteacher Awards
Every week Mrs Kerr will present code of conduct certificates in our celebration assembly to children who have been caught being responsible, being respectful and being ready!
Be Responsible
Well done to the children who have been responsible this week.
A child in Year 6 has been chosen for supporting younger children at break times this week. Thank you for showing such responsibility.
Curiosity Corner
Take a look at what our children have been curious about this week in their learning!
The Reception class have had a fantastic week and have all settled in very quickly. Our topic this half term is 'Let's explore'. We have explored the school grounds and got very wet in the process! We have also been reading 'We're going on a bear hunt' and have started to cre...