Reception - Arabella has been chosen for making great progress with her reading. Her attitude and enthusiasm for learning are fantastic. Well done!
Year 1 - Phoebe has been chosen for her lovely, bubbly personality and for demonstrating our school value, 'Tolerance', with her peers. She is a superstar! Well done!
Year 2 - Finley has been chosen because he always shows respect in lessons, focusses well with his activities and always tries his best. Well done!
Year 3 - Tobias has been chosen for always working hard and writing a fantastic volcano poem with so many amazing features. Well done!
Year 4 - Brinley has been chosen for working hard to become more calm and settled after lunchtime and listen in class. Well done!
Year 5 - Jacob has been chosen for his awesome attitude towards learning. He thinks deeply and comes up with great questions about our learning in class. Well done!
Year 6 - Sharlise has been chosen for taking pride in her writing this term and using her targets to motivate her. Her persuasive writing letter was a joy to read. Well done!