As the Spring Term draws to a close and we welcome the Easter holidays, I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and carers for their ongoing support for our school and the changes that have been implemented this term.
We have welcomed a number of new staff to our school and nursery this term, who have settled into our team with ease and enthusiasm. This additional capacity has helped us to maintain our high quality provision and educational offer for our children and families.
Our children have taken part in a wide variety of enrichment opportunities that help to strengthen their resilience and determination and build their character. We have enjoyed many successes in the wide and varied inter-school sports events we’ve attended, including athletics, the William Brookes Dance Festival, rugby, football, multi-skills and handball. We were very proud of the enthusiasm our girls showed for the #letgirlsplay football event, and our KS2 children showed for the Sports Club Link day. I am always so proud of the way in which John Wilkinson children represent our school with good grace, manners and sportsmanship; they truly are the embodiment of our school vision and code of conduct.
We have been pleased with your response to the use of both school gates for entering and exiting our school site. This has alleviated any congestion on the front pathway, and many of you have mentioned how helpful it has been having the top gate entrance available in the mornings and afternoons.
We were very excited to be able to welcome parents back into school for our face-to-face parents’ evening this week and the feedback from you has been overwhelmingly positive, so thank you. We will use this feedback to design our offer moving forward.
We had an exciting visit from a ‘real’ gorilla this week, immersing the children in an interactive experience that helped them to understand the human impact of de-forestation on the gorilla population. The children made a furry friend in Thomas the Gorilla!
A big thank you to our very active and supportive PTA who have been very busy with fundraising events this term. We really appreciate parents supporting these events and activities, as the PTA’s primary purpose is to enrich the experience of all pupils at our school and nursery.
We look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 25th April and we wish you all a safe, happy and healthy holiday. Happy Easter!
Mrs Kerr